#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail # TODO: Ensure this is the correct GitHub homepage where releases can be downloaded for . GH_REPO="https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2" TOOL_NAME="fluxcd" TOOL_TEST="flux" fail() { echo -e "asdf-$TOOL_NAME: $*" exit 1 } curl_opts=(-fsSL) # NOTE: You might want to remove this if is not hosted on GitHub releases. if [ -n "${GITHUB_API_TOKEN:-}" ]; then curl_opts=("${curl_opts[@]}" -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_API_TOKEN") fi sort_versions() { sed 'h; s/[+-]/./g; s/.p\([[:digit:]]\)/.z\1/; s/$/.z/; G; s/\n/ /' | LC_ALL=C sort -t. -k 1,1 -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n -k 5,5n | awk '{print $2}' } list_github_tags() { git ls-remote --tags --refs "$GH_REPO" | grep -o 'refs/tags/.*' | cut -d/ -f3- | sed 's/^v//' # NOTE: You might want to adapt this sed to remove non-version strings from tags } list_all_versions() { # TODO: Adapt this. By default we simply list the tag names from GitHub releases. # Change this function if has other means of determining installable versions. list_github_tags } download_release() { local version filename url version="$1" filename="$2" # TODO: Adapt the release URL convention for url="$GH_REPO/releases/download/v${version}/${filename}" echo "* Downloading $TOOL_NAME release $version: $filename..." curl "${curl_opts[@]}" -o "$filename" -C - "$url" || fail "Could not download $url" } install_version() { local install_type="$1" local version="$2" local install_path="${3%/bin}/bin" if [ "$install_type" != "version" ]; then fail "asdf-$TOOL_NAME supports release installs only" fi ( mkdir -p "$install_path" cp -r "$ASDF_DOWNLOAD_PATH"/* "$install_path" # TODO: Assert executable exists. local tool_cmd tool_cmd="$(echo "$TOOL_TEST" | cut -d' ' -f1)" test -x "$install_path/$tool_cmd" || fail "Expected $install_path/$tool_cmd to be executable." echo "$TOOL_NAME $version installation was successful!" ) || ( rm -rf "$install_path" fail "An error occurred while installing $TOOL_NAME $version." ) }