package main import ( "errors" "flag" "fmt" "log" "os" "path/filepath" "syscall" "time" "" "" "" ) //go:generate go run FileProtector bpf/lsm.c -- -I./bpf -O2 /* #include static unsigned long long get_nsecs(void) { struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); return (unsigned long long)ts.tv_sec * 1000000000UL + ts.tv_nsec; } */ import "C" const ( // bpf2go cannot restore enum to corresponding names. so i do it manually FileProtectorFileProtectStateEnabled FileProtectorFileProtectState = iota FileProtectorFileProtectStateTick FileProtectorFileProtectStateMax ) const ( FileProtectorFilePathDisabled uint8 = iota FileProtectorFilePathEnabled ) const ( // pin path PinPath = "/sys/fs/bpf/file_protector" LinkPinPath = PinPath + "/link_file_open" ) func main() { fDebug := flag.Bool("debug", false, "toggle to show full ebpf verifier error") flag.Parse() if err := rlimit.RemoveMemlock(); err != nil { panic(err) } if err := os.MkdirAll(PinPath, os.ModePerm); err != nil { log.Printf("W: failed to create ebpf pin path: %v. directory will not be protected if userspace daemon exited", err) } else { log.Printf("ebpf pin path is ensured to be a directory: %v", PinPath) } fileProtectorObjects := FileProtectorObjects{} if err := LoadFileProtectorObjects(&fileProtectorObjects, &ebpf.CollectionOptions{ Programs: ebpf.ProgramOptions{ LogSize: ebpf.DefaultVerifierLogSize * 1024, }, Maps: ebpf.MapOptions{ PinPath: PinPath, }, }); err != nil { var ve *ebpf.VerifierError if *fDebug && errors.As(err, &ve) { // Using %+v will print the whole verifier error, not just the last // few lines. fmt.Printf("Verifier error: %+v\n", ve) } log.Panic("failed to attach lsm: ", err) } defer fileProtectorObjects.Close() log.Println("lsm loaded") progLink, err := link.LoadPinnedLink(LinkPinPath, nil) if err != nil { log.Printf("failed load pinned link(%s): %v. trying to attach the program", LinkPinPath, err) progLink, err = link.AttachLSM(link.LSMOptions{ Program: fileProtectorObjects.CheckFileOpen, }) if err != nil { log.Panic("failed to attach lsm: ", err) } log.Println("lsm attached") if err := progLink.Pin(LinkPinPath); err != nil { log.Printf("W: failed to pin program: %v. ebpf will not survive after daemon exits.", err) } else { log.Printf("link pinned to %v", LinkPinPath) } log.Printf("to decrease refcount to release objects, simply run: sudo rm -r %v", PinPath) } else { log.Printf("lsm link loaded from existing pinned objects(%v)", LinkPinPath) } defer progLink.Close() log.Println("configure maps...") newRoots := make(map[uint64]string) for _, path := range flag.Args() { path, _ = filepath.Abs(path) log.Println("-", path) stat, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { log.Println("W: ", err) continue } switch stat := stat.Sys().(type) { case *syscall.Stat_t: if err := fileProtectorObjects.FileProtectorMaps.Roots.Update(stat.Ino, FileProtectorFilePathEnabled, ebpf.UpdateAny); err != nil { panic(err) } newRoots[stat.Ino] = path default: log.Printf("W: incompatible type of stat: %T", stat) continue } } var ( inoKey uint64 inoEnabled uint8 ) iter := fileProtectorObjects.Roots.Iterate() for iter.Next(&inoKey, &inoEnabled) { if path, ok := newRoots[inoKey]; ok && inoEnabled == FileProtectorFilePathEnabled { log.Printf("disabling root: %v(%v)", path, inoKey) if err := fileProtectorObjects.Roots.Update(inoKey, FileProtectorFilePathDisabled, 0); err != nil { log.Printf("W: failed to update root table when disable root: %v", err) } } } // TODO: you should also protect the daemon config itself log.Println("configuration done. enabling...") if err := fileProtectorObjects.FileProtectorMaps.States.Update(FileProtectorFileProtectStateEnabled, uint64(1), ebpf.UpdateAny); err != nil { panic(err) } ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 5) defer ticker.Stop() log.Println("ticking...but with one step slower intentionally!") prevBannedAccesses := make(map[uint64]uint64) for { now := uint64(C.get_nsecs()) // TODO: read and show perf data perf := "" bannedAccesses := fileProtectorObjects.BannedAccess.Iterate() var ( bannedRoot, counter uint64 ) for bannedAccesses.Next(&bannedRoot, &counter) { name := fmt.Sprintf("inode(%v)", bannedRoot) if path, ok := newRoots[bannedRoot]; ok { name = path } if prevCounter, ok := prevBannedAccesses[bannedRoot]; ok { if counter-prevCounter > 0 { perf += fmt.Sprintf(" %v=+%v", name, counter-prevCounter) } } else { perf += fmt.Sprintf(" %v=%v", name, counter) } prevBannedAccesses[bannedRoot] = counter } log.Printf("tick:%v%v", now, perf) if err := fileProtectorObjects.FileProtectorMaps.States.Update(FileProtectorFileProtectStateTick, uint64(now), ebpf.UpdateAny); err != nil { panic(err) } <-ticker.C } }