# Rust Template Project for Development with Actix-Web and SeaORM ## A lot of Thanks to these projects This project template is made of: - Rust - [actix-web](https://actix.rs): Async web framework for rust - [SeaORM](https://www.sea-ql.org/SeaORM/): async ORM for integrating a Rust code base with relational databases And I won't reach this without the help of: - sqlx - askama - clap - clap_complete - serde - env_logger - log ## Project strucutre - [src](src) - [main.rs](src/main.rs): entrypoint - [completion.rs](src/completion.rs): shell completion - [migrations](src/migrations): migration scripts - [web](src/web/): web apis - [urls.rs](src/web/urls.rs): routes - [model](src/web/model/): models generated by sea-orm-cli - [view.rs](src/web/view.rs): url handlers - [controller.rs](src/web/controller.rs): logics - [README](README.md) - [build](build): build tools - [scripts](scripts): automation scripts ## Start from here ### Run the server Simply use cargo to run the project ### Package into container The template provides a simple [Dockerfile](build/Dockerfile) and [script](scripts/build-container.sh) to build container image. ## Development ### Define a new model > TODO ## Roadmap - [x] Web - [x] ORM - [x] Packaging - [ ] React